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support hotline:18925210469
Notice:Integrity-based, the market is changing, integrity will never change..



名优馆官网:long-term focus

Specializing in the production of ultra-long, ultra-wide and ultra-thick glass, the company has flat and curved tempering furnaces and interlayer production lines of 3.6 meters * 24 meters.

名优馆官网:Well-known enterprises

We have four major production bases and advanced production equipment, complete management system
星级服务 助力发展

名优馆官网:Advanced production

From the raw materials and deep processing links, it ensures the excellent and stable product performance

名优馆官网:Practical hardworking

To provide customers with professional technical services and a wide variety of high-quality glass products to create an energy-saving and livable modern architectural space.

Service Hotline18925210469


Shenzhen Qiyao Glass Products Co., Ltd. is located in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. The company has been focusing on the production of engineering glass for a long time, and is good at the production of ultra-long, ultra-wide and ultra-thick glass. Model projects are spread all over the world, and it has gradually developed into a well-known enterprise in China's glass deep processing industry. We have four major production bases and advanced production equipment, complete management system, complete product series and excellent brand quality. Original film.【More】




Sound and heat insulation insulating glass
名优馆官网:Sound and heat insulation insulating glass
Time:2022-05-11 Hello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today, I will introduce you to the sound insulation and heat insul...【MORE】
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