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The difference between normal white and super white dimming glass

The difference between normal white and super white dimming glassHello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today, I will introduce the difference between normal white and ultra-white dimming glass. The following content is organized by the editor, and the relevant content is for reference.The difference between ordinary white dimming glass and ultra-white:After the original glass and the dimming film are laminated, we will find that the ordinary white dimming glass will be more green than the ultra-white dimming glass, and the ultra-white glass will be more white. This is because the thickness of the glass increases and the color becomes darker.As a result, the light transmittance will be lower than that of ordinary original glass. Because after adding the dimming film and double film, the light transmittance is hindered to a certain extent. So it seems that the light transmittance will not be as transparent as ordinary glass.In fact, the light transmittance of ordinary white dimming glass and ultra-white dimming glass is the same, that is, the color is slightly different, so when you choose dimming glass, it depends on your requirements for the original glass.If you want to know more about the industry information of dimming glass, please log in to our official website and we will bring you more practical knowledge. txsstx.com/
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