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Special safety glass

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today, I will introduce special safety glass to you. The following content is organized by Xiaobian for reference.bullet-proof glassSafety glass is usually used in some important facilities, such as bank gates, valuables display cabinets, doors and windows of prisons and correctional facilities. These parts may be continuously attacked by gangsters armed with various weapons. High-strength safety glass, on the other hand, resists penetration for a period of time, giving other devices enough time to react. Some of the world's most famous artifacts, such as the Mona Lisa and the Declaration of Independence, are protected with safety glass.The main varieties of safety glass are: tempered glass, laminated glass, bulletproof glass, anti-theft glass, fireproof glass, wired glass, protective glass and film glass, etc. Among them, the film glass also has some functions of tempered glass, laminated glass, bulletproof glass, anti-theft glass, fireproof glass, wired glass and protective glass, and is a new type of building material.Safety glass is a kind of glass that is not broken by violent vibration or impact, and is not easy to hurt people even if it is broken. Used for doors and windows of automobiles, airplanes and special buildings, etc. The building uses safety glass, which can resist the attack of bullets or 100 kilometers per hour hurricane mixed with gravel, which is particularly important for modern buildings with main glass structures. Common types of safety glass include film glass, tempered glass, etc.If you want to know more about the industry information of special safety glass, please log on to our official website and we will bring you more practical knowledge. //txsstx.com
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