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Skill requirements for fireproof glass

Skill requirements for fireproof glassHello everyone, do you all know fireproof glass? Let me explain it to you in detail.      The fire resistance function of fireproof glass for construction is obtained by directly inlaying the fireproof glass in the wall hole or combining it with the structure and then inlaying it in the wall hole to make a component according to GBl2513. , Determination of thermal radiation intensity. Among them, the measurement of thermal insulation is based on the temperature of the backfire surface as the criterion.       According to the rules of GB15763.1-2009 ((Fireproof glass for construction), fireproof glass for construction is divided into: Class A (fireproof glass that meets the requirements of fire resistance integrity, fire resistance and heat insulation), Class C according to its fire resistance (Fireproof glass that meets the requirements of fire resistance integrity.) These three types of fireproof glass can be divided into I grade (≥90min), II grade (≥60min), III grade (≥45min), IV grade (≥30min) according to the fire resistance grade. Integrity of fire resistance - refers to the flame on the backside of the specimen and continues to burn for 10s or more; during the experiment, when the specimen has flame or gas from holes and other gaps, the cotton pad ignition test is carried out , the cotton pad is ignited, indicating that the test piece has lost its integrity (if the test piece collapses during the experiment, the same indicates that the test piece has lost its integrity).       Refractory and heat insulation - refers to the single-point temperature rise of 180°C at the temperature measurement point on the backside of the specimen, and the uniform temperature rise of 140°C.Today's content ends here. If you want to know more about our fireproof glass, you are welcome to click to enter our official website: I hope it will be helpful to you!
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