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oversized glass
Supply 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 15 mm, 19 mm, 22 mm, 25 mm super large and super long plate tempered glass, laminated glass, hollow ultra-white glass, hollow ultra-white laminated glass, coated glass, hollow Coated glass, hollow laminated coated glass, hollow LOW-E, hollow LOW-E laminated glass and other architectural glass to meet customer needs. Commercial buildings, large shopping centers, star-rated hotels, 4S stores of various brands of automobiles and other exterior walls use large-scale tempered glass; it is also the general agent of Xinyi, Yaopi and CSG; the company has strong strength, first-class equipment and exquisite technology, and has the largest domestic Tempering furnace, autoclave, bending furnace. Size: 3.3 meters * 16 meters
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