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How to improve the safety of tempered glass? Come in to find out

How to improve the safety of tempered glass? Come in to find outHello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. A very effective measure to ensure the safety of tempered glass is to prevent the glass from falling off, and to prevent the glass from producing light pollution. The following measures to prevent glass from falling off are:1: Select laminated glass. Laminated glass and tempered glass are called safety glass. Due to the existence of plastic organic interlayer materials, laminated glass can remain as a whole and be fixed on the frame when broken, and will not fall off, especially when the roof adopts glass roof, high-rise buildings adjacent to the street, and prosperous buildings. The glass on the commercial street must use laminated glass.2: Use towel film glass. Towel film glass is a layer of organic transparent film pasted on the surface of the glass, which can maintain a whole even when broken.3: Try not to choose a fully hidden frame glass curtain wall, but choose a semi-hidden method. When selecting and constructing structural adhesives for hidden frame curtain walls, special attention should be paid to the quality of structural adhesives, the compatibility with glass and frame, and the treatment of frame glass surface.A very effective way to prevent light pollution in glass is to choose low reflectivity coated glass, and the reflectivity is generally not more than 30%.If you want to know more about tempered glass industry information, please log on to our official website and we will bring you more practical knowledge. //txsstx.com
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