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Fire glass classification

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today, I will introduce fireproof glass to you. The following content is organized by Xiaobian for reference.Fireproof glass is a kind of special glass that can maintain its integrity in the specified fire resistance test. It is divided into three categories according to the product type:1. Fire-resistant glass that meets the requirements of fire-resistant integrity and fire-resistant heat insulation at the same time. Including two kinds of composite fireproof glass and poured fireproof glass. This kind of glass has the properties of light transmission, fire prevention (smoke insulation, fire insulation, heat radiation shielding), sound insulation and impact resistance, and is suitable for building decorative steel-wood fire doors, windows, lighting, partition walls, lighting roofs, and smoke-blocking drapes. Walls, see-through floors and other building components that require both transparency and fire resistance.2. Fireproof glass that meets the requirements of fire-resistant integrity and thermal radiation intensity at the same time.This kind of fireproof glass is mostly composite fireproof glass, which has the characteristics of light transmission, fire prevention and smoke isolation.3. Only single-piece fire-resistant glass that meets the requirements of fire-resistant integrity. This kind of glass has the characteristics of light transmission, fire resistance, smoke resistance and high strength. It is suitable for fireproof glass partition walls, fireproof windows, outdoor curtain walls, etc. without thermal insulation requirements.As a new building fire protection product, fireproof glass is adopted by more and more buildings.If you want to know more about the industry information of fireproof glass, please log on to our official website and we will bring you more practical knowledge. //txsstx.com
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