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♏ What is the difference between insulating glass and laminated glass?[ 2021-06-08 ]
What is the difference between insulating glass and laminated glass?       Hello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today I would like to introduce to you what is the difference between i...
名优馆官网: Skill requirements for fireproof glass[ 2021-06-03 ]
Skill requirements for fireproof glassHello everyone, do you all know fireproof glass? Let me explain it to you in detail.      The fire resistance function of fireproof glass for const...
🌜 What problems will be encountered when fireproof glass is used[ 2021-04-07 ]
What problems will be encountered when fireproof glass is usedHello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today, I will introduce to you the problems encountered in the use of fireproof glass. The following con...
🐷 Tempered glass manufacturers briefly describe what is the dirty thing on the glass that cannot be wiped off?[ 2021-01-12 ]
Tempered glass manufacturers briefly describe what is the dirty thing on the glass that cannot be wiped off?Hello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today, I will introduce to you what is the dirty thing on ...
🐻 The difference between normal white and super white dimming glass[ 2021-01-05 ]
The difference between normal white and super white dimming glassHello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today, I will introduce the difference between normal white and ultra-white dimming glass. The follow...
🎀 How to improve the safety of tempered glass? Come in to find out[ 2020-09-30 ]
How to improve the safety of tempered glass? Come in to find outHello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. A very effective measure to ensure the safety of tempered glass is to prevent the glass from falling o...
🍒 What problems should be paid attention to in the selection and installation of artistic glass partitions?[ 2020-07-30 ]
What problems should be paid attention to in the selection and installation of artistic glass partitions?Hello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. The glass partition was originally an ordinary glass plate. A...
名优馆官网: 如何去区分超白玻璃跟普通玻璃有何不同?[ 2020-04-15 ]
说到超白玻璃,很多人都也很熟悉,也是名优馆官网 生活所常见到的一款晶莹剔透的玻璃。应用领域很广泛,一般会应用在显示屏和广告牌一些高科技的产品上,还会应用在一些高端的建筑场所,它里面有设计一些需要隔开但又要透明的空间作为...
名优馆官网: 使用这款中空玻璃都说好,中空百叶玻璃隔断新潮流[ 2020-04-15 ]
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