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Fireproof glass selection

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today, I will introduce fireproof glass to you. The following content is organized by Xiaobian for reference.fire-proof glass1. Before choosing fireproof glass, it is necessary to know the specific fire protection requirements of fireproof components composed of fireproof glass, whether it is fire prevention, heat insulation or smoke insulation, fire resistance limit requirements, etc.2. Single piece and composite perfusion fireproof glass cannot be cut with a glass knife like ordinary flat glass, and must be processed to a certain length, but composite (dry) fireproof glass can meet the requirements of being cut.3. When selecting fire-resistant glass to form fire-resistant components, in addition to considering the fire-resistant durability of the glass, its supporting structure and various elements must also meet the needs of fire resistance.If you want to know more about fireproof glass industry information, please log on to our official website and we will bring you more practical knowledge.//txsstx.com
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