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stained glass
With the development of society and the enhancement of people's awareness of low carbon and environmental protection, the environmental protection requirements for building materials are also getting higher and higher. As the leader of China's architectural glass, our company adopts a new generation of lead-free color glaze ink, and is the first to introduce environmental protection in the industry. Color-glazed glass, in order to reduce the harm of harmful substances to the environment, make the color-glazed glass more beautiful and more environmentally friendly. of excellent quality.    The application of a new generation of environmentally friendly colored glaze glass and energy-saving Low-E glass, the organic combination of the real color of the colored glaze and the dynamic reflection color of the Low-E glass can not only further enrich the appearance of the glass sheet for the maintenance structure outside the building, but also It can provide additional functions, provide novel options for the development of energy-saving buildings, provide unique and diverse design concepts for architects, and provide new materials for the needs of modern urban aesthetic development.Features Specifications Quality PrecautionsVarious colors and patterns (can be customized according to customer requirements), the color is stable and does not fade, and the decorative effect is outstanding;Absorb and reflect part of the solar heat, and the shading effect is obvious;Excellent visual shading effect to ensure the privacy of working and living spaces;After tempering treatment, the strength is increased and the safety is high;It can process composite products such as coating, interlayer and hollow to obtain multiple performance properties.
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