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fire-proof glass
Fireproof glass There are mainly five kinds of fireproof glass, one is laminated composite fireproof glass, the other is wired fireproof glass, the third is special fireproof glass, the fourth is hollow fireproof glass, and the fifth is high-strength single-layer cesium potassium fireproof glass , Fire-resistant glass that meets the requirements of fire-resistant integrity and fire-resistant thermal insulation at the same time. Including two kinds of composite fireproof glass and poured fireproof glass. This kind of glass has the properties of light transmission, fire prevention (smoke insulation, fire insulation, heat radiation shielding), sound insulation and impact resistance, and is suitable for building decorative steel-wood fire doors, windows, lighting, partition walls, lighting roofs, and smoke-blocking drapes. Walls, see-through floors and other building components that require both transparency and fire resistance.
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