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bullet-proof glass
Bulletproof glass is a composite material obtained by special processing of glass (or plexiglass) and high-quality engineering plastics. It is usually a transparent material, usually including a polycarbonate fiber layer sandwiched in an ordinary glass layer. Bullet-proof glass, explosion-proof glass, ultra-thin bullet-proof smash-proof glass, explosion-proof glass, laminated glass, tempered glass, insulating glass, bullet-proof glass windows (push-pull, side-opening, side-opening and hanging), anti-tail linkage door, vault door, etc. A variety of products have passed the technical inspection and appraisal of the Ministry of Public Security and the National Quality Supervision Department, and fully comply with the national GA/165-1977 standard. The products are widely used in security protection facilities in finance, insurance, cultural relics protection, high-grade villas, high-rise buildings, state secret places and other places.
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